GPS Development Consulting

Are you ready to tap into your Natural Brilliance?

GPS is a Sales & Leadership Consultancy that focuses on the root cause of ALL business challenges………. THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE. Whether that be external (increasing revenue) or internal (increasing efficiency). Our focus on a holistic approach to transformation means no matter what your challenges, we can help you on the journey to overcome.

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What If?


Struggling to find new clients? Finding it difficult to keep clients? Not having the impact you hoped for? Struggling to find finance opportunities?

Feelings of frustration? Feeling overwhelmed? Unsure of the solution?

You are not alone. These are similar challenges occurring everywhere. And it is costing you in terms of time, money and emotion. BUT………..

What if you could do something about it? Would you? Are you ready to explore the possibilities?


What if you had more influence in developing your greatest assest…….your people

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were able to spend less time worrying and more time developing your people?

Wouldn’t it be delightful to have an environment built on trust, accountability and creativity? An environment that fosters growth and allows people to tap into their natural brilliance?

At GPS we believe that investment into your people is the single most important element for sustainable growth in your business.


What if you had a greater influence on bringing in more consistent revenue?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had greater security through being able to bring in more consistent and regular revenue?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to positively influence your customer experience?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had greater freedom to plan for growth and expansion?

Imagine the increased possibilities for growth, impact and investment that will come as a result of it. Imagine

At GPS we believe a strong ability to have a greater external influence vital to increasing opportunities for sustainable growth.


At GPS we are proud that our work can transcend and work for different types of businesses. We work with:

Corporates - Working in developing Leaders and teams in the corporate world.

SME - Working with Entrepreneurs to help with organic growth and human capital development

Entrepreneur Support Organizations - Helping with improved service delivery and Customer acquisition

NGOs - Helping bring a market approach to impact and developing leaders and teams.

Donors & CSR - Partnerships to help give back by developing those less fortunate

Investors - High performance coaching to help your investees reach new levels




Hi I’m Ogonda “Oggy” Nduka,

I am fortunate in that I have been able to discover both my superpower and my purpose. My superpower you ask……. understanding and developing people (human capital development). I have been very fortunate and privileged to have lived and worked around the world from the rural suburbs of Plainfield, Indiana, to the hustle and bustle of the City of London, right the way through to the rural areas in Eastern Rwanda. I have met diverse groups of people and fortunately in every situation I have thrived when it comes to people, influence and connection. My purpose…… use my superpower and experience to help build my home continent of Africa.

How? Well I founded GPS Development Consulting to be able to share my knowledge and experience with both businesses and individuals. My focus is on a holistic approach that looks at mindset in conjunction with skills development. I am not re-inventing the wheel, rather I am putting it in a way that makes it easier and more enjoyable to follow. GPS stands for Growth, Purpose and Sustainability and is also about guiding you and/or your team on a journey to tap into your natural brilliance.

I am so excited about the boundless possibilities and opportunities here in Africa and welcome you to take the journey with us to reach new levels.




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