GPS Development Consulting

 Our Vision


At GPS Development Consulting we aim to empower people to have greater influence in their businesses and communities

Our vision is to take a holistic approach to consulting which focuses on mindset as well as skills building. With a change of mindsets we hope to create an environment for transformational change which we hope will lead to more people having more choice in their lives. This is because we feel choices lead to better long term decision making and in turn will lead to GROWTH.

Our Vision is that our consultancy will empower the people who work for and/or with the business. This is because we want to create a movement to help people live with a greater level of consciousness, responsibility and consistency. Why? Because this is a movement to give the people we work with the opportunity to tap into their PURPOSE.

Our vision is to have an impact on people, business and communities to increase opportunities. We firmly believe that opportunity leads to more opportunity for more people. With that we hope to see a greater level of equity and inclusion in businesses and communities, which is what we believe will lead to SUSTAINABLE growth.

GROWTH, PURPOSE AND SUSTAINABILITY (GPS) is the guidance system we use to guide and empower those we work with.


Leadership Team

Oggy Nduka

Director and Founder

Oggy Nduka is a specialist in working with Start-up, small and medium businesses (SMEs) to help build solid foundations for sustainable growth and transformation. At the core of his work is the belief that transformation can only be achieved where mindset, skills & application are in sync. He has a Bachelor’s of Science Degree (with honors) in Economics from the University of Southampton. His extensive experience spans over 15 years and 3 continents (Africa, Europe and North America). He is an expert in sales & marketing (B2B and B2C), product development, business transformation, strategic consulting, industry research and recruitment.

Most recently he worked for one of the top Rwandan Business Development Providers, Inkomoko, as the Director of SME Growth where he was responsible for a complete revamp of the product offering which led to an increase in team efficiency, sales, customer satisfaction and successful customer payments. GPS Development Consulting has been set up to focus on mindset development alongside the more traditional skills development and implementation.

Our Methodology

We start the consulting with a deep dive into the strengths and challenges of the business. The aim is to map out where you are compared to where you want to be. We believe that knowing deeply where you are now, and identifying the roadblocks in your way, will give you the best possible chance of reaching your desired destination.


CALM Framework

Application – This is how you do things. It is a combination of organization, planning, prioritizing, communication and how you carry out your tasks and apply what you have learned.

Learning – This is what you do. At the center of this is improvement. Whether it is a job role, a relationship or a task. Practice makes perfect. Whether it is learning new things or learning from mistakes.

Mindset – This is why you do it. Are you doing it out of fear, is your pride telling you to do something or are you looking to achieve something. What drives you will impact what you do and how you do it more than anything else. This is the key to a holistic approach and consistency