GPS Development Consulting

For Business Leaders & HR


Leading a business is not easy. It can feel like you put out one fire and then another one pops out. You rarely have time to stop and as such making time to invest in yourself and your team can seem impossible. However, if you are looking to grow a sustainable business, investment in your improvement and the team improvement is a necessity.

As any successful leader will agree, there has to be a return on that investment (ROI). The challenge for any business leader when assessing ROI is not having the full picture of the challenges you face and how much it will cost you if the challenges are not solved. Before we even consider working with a business we will look to discuss the challenges and the opportunity cost of not solving the challenges, before we start an engagement.

So if you are a business leader looking to improve your business, do you face any of the following challenges?

  • You spend a lot of your time worrying and checking the quality of work

  • Team morale is low

  • Cannot seem to get the team to take personal responsibility

  • We have already invested in skills training and not seen the success we wanted

  • Managers and staff struggle to tackle challenges without 

  • My managers are struggling to motivate their team

  • Their team size is more than 6 direct reports

  • Insufficient processes

  • High staff turnover

  • Best employees keep leaving

  • Struggling to reach sales targets

  • Belief that poor people don’t have money to buy your product

  • Struggling with a team culture

  • Unsure how you can sustainably grow your business

These challenges, either individual or in combination, contribute to over 60% of businesses failing within the first 5 years of operation.

Contact us to talk about your specific challenges leading and developing your people and see if a new holistic approach can help.


NGOs, Donors, CSR & Investors


Whether you are a donor or an investor, you are taking a chance on the businesses you invest in having an impact socially or economically.

Billions of dollars are being poured into developing economies and the sad truth is that a large proportion is not being fully utilized. When it comes to entrepreneurs the focus tends to be on skills development and applying those skills. While this is valuable there tends to be a neglect of the entrepreneurial mindset. Studies have shown that most successful businesses have strong purpose driven and responsible leaders at the helm.

Mindset can be developed and that is what we aim to do alongside the skills development. To build a successful business you need to build the people of the business.

So as a donor or investor looking to invest in the developing world do you face any of the following challenges?

  • The idea is good but the business struggles with execution

  • Struggling to see long term sustainability and/or profitability

  • The leadership always has a reason why they cannot meet expectations

  • The business struggles to get their message across to their customers

  • Poor sales

  • There is a high level of staff turnover

  • You hear “It is hard to find good people”

  • You want to do more than charity you want to help develop communities but you don’t know how.

  • Ineffective management who talk a good game but fail to walk the walk

  • Wasteful, inefficient processes

  • Gender and inclusion strategy is weak or non-existent

  • Spending money on skills development but not seeing the result

  • An immature and small private sector

  • Struggle with strategic development and implementation

  • Market research is not widely available and you want a better understanding of market conditions.

  • You are unsure how to give back to have a sustainable impact

Contact us to talk about your specific challenges funding developing world businesses and see if a new holistic approach can help.